A dataset containing minute level accelerometry data reported as "Activity Counts" for NHANES 2003-2004 participants selected for the Mobile Examination Center (MEC) portion of the study.



A data frame with 50232 rows and 1445 variables. There are 7 rows per unqiue subject identifier (SEQN). Rows are ordered descending temporally within subjects (i.e. row 1 is the first day of data for the first participant, row 2 is the following calendar day, etc.).

  • SEQN: Unique subject identifier

  • PAXCAL: Device calibration. Was the device calibrated when it was returned by the participant? 1 = Yes, 2 = No, 9 = Don't Know. Any individuals with either 2 or 9 in this variable should be examined carefully before being included in any analysis.

  • PAXSTAT: Data reliability status flag. 1 = Data deemed reliable, 2 = Data reliability is questioable. Any individuals with 2 in this variable should be examined carefully before being included in any analysis.

  • SDDSRVYR: Variable indicating which wave of the NHANES study this data is associated with. For example, SDDSRVYR = 3 corresponds to the 2003-2004 wave and SDDSRVYR = 4 corresponds to the 2005-2006 wave.

  • WEEKDAY: Day of the week: 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, 3 = Tuesday, 4 = Wednesday, 5 = Thursday, 6 = Friday, 7 = Saturday.

  • MIN1-MIN1440: Activity count corresponding to each minute of the day. For example, MIN1 is the activity count for 00:00-00:01.

