This function creates wear/non-wear flag matrices for processed NHANES 2003-2004 and 2005-2006 accelerometry data. The underlying algorithm for estimating wear/non-wear flags is implemented in the weartime function from the accelerometry package.

  days_distinct = FALSE,
  window = 90L,
  tol = 2L,
  tol_upper = 99L,



A list with each element corresponding to a data matrix of activity counts in the 1440+ format with 7 rows per individual. Each element of x should be named, and each name should correspond to the naming convention used by the output of process_accel. For example, the processed accelerometry data corresponding to the 2003-2004 wave should be named "PAXINTEN_C". The data should be sorted by participant (SEQN) and then in descending order chronologically. If days are not ordered chronologically and distinct_days=FALSE, then the resulting wear/non-wear flag output may not be accurate. The output of process_accel can be fed directly to this argument. See examples.


Logical value indicating whether days should be treated as distinct time series within participants. If TRUE, then subjects' wear status at 11:59PM does not affect their wear status at 00:01AM the next morning. Defaults to FALSE, this is generally recommended.


Numeric value indicated the size of the moving window used to assess non-wear in minutes. Defaults to 90 minutes. See weartime for more details.


maximum number of minutes with counts greater than 0 within the a non-wear interval. See weartime for more details.


maximium activity count for any minute within the window Defaults to 99. That is, for a given minute, if the window contains any minutes with activity counts greater than tol.upper, this minute is considered "wear". See weartime for more details.


aditional arguments to be passed to weartime.


The function process_flags returns a list with number of elemnts equal to the number of elements in the object supplied to the "x" argument. Each element of the list returned is a dataframe that mirrors the format of dataframes returned from the process_accel function, but instead with the columns conveying activity count data replaced with 0/1 indicators for estimated periods of non-wear. More specifically, each element is a data frame with the following columns

  • SEQN: Unique subject identifier

  • PAXCAL: Device calibration. Was the device calibrated when it was returned by the participant? 1 = Yes, 2 = No, 9 = Don't Know. Any individuals with either 2 or 9 in this variable should be examined carefully before being included in any analysis.

  • PAXSTAT: Data reliability status flag. 1 = Data deemed reliable, 2 = Data reliability is questioable. Any individuals with 2 in this variable should be examined carefully before being included in any analysis.

  • SDDSRVYR: Variable indicating which wave of the NHANES study this data is associated with. For example, SDDSRVYR = 3 corresponds to the 2003-2004 wave and SDDSRVYR = 4 corresponds to the 2005-2006 wave.

  • WEEKDAY: Day of the week: 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, 3 = Tuesday, 4 = Wednesday, 5 = Thursday, 6 = Friday, 7 = Saturday.

  • MIN1-MIN1440: Wear/Non-wear flag corresponding to each minute of the day. These columns can take on the following 3 values

    • 0: A value of 0 indicates that a particular minute is determined to be "non-wear"

    • 1: A value of 1 indicated that a particular minute is determined to be "wear"

    • NA: A value of NA indicates that a particular minute was missing data in the activity count data matrix used to create this set of wear/non-wear flags

    For example, a value of 0 in the column MIN1 indicates that during the time period 00:00-00:01, it was estimated that the device was not worn.


There are many way to estimate non-wear periods in accelerometry data. Fundamentally, they all involve finding extended periods of implausibly low activity. However, there is no one perfect algorithm, and what qualifies as "implausible" is device-, placement-, and population-dependent. Here, we use the algorithm implemented by default in the accelerometry package via the weartime function. This algorithm is similar to the algorithm used in Troiano et. al (2008).

There are a number of parameters the algirothm implemented in weartime uses to control how aggressive non-wear time identification is. By making the algorithm more agressive (decreasing window size, increasing tolerance for non-zero activity counts), one increases the likelihood of false positives. Conversely, making the algorithm less agressive increases the likelihood of false negatives. By default we use a fairly conservative window size of 90 minutes.


  • Choi, Leena et al. “Validation of Accelerometer Wear and Nonwear Time Classification Algorithm.” Medicine and science in sports and exercise 43.2 (2011): 357–364. PMC. Web. 10 Oct. 2018.

  • National Cancer Institute. Risk factor monitoring and methods: SAS programs for analyzing NHANES 2003-2004 accelerometer data. Available at: Accessed Oct. 10, 2018.

  • Troiano RP, Berrigan D, Dodd KW, Masse LC, Tilert T, Mcdowell M: Physical activity in the United States measured by accelerometer. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2008; 40: 181-188.


if (FALSE) { library("rnhanesdata") ## In the interest of reducing computation time for this example, ## we use the already processed accelerometry data accel_ls <- list("PAXINTEN_C" = PAXINTEN_C, "PAXINTEN_D" = PAXINTEN_D) flags_ls <- process_flags(x=accel_ls) ## Check to see that these processed flags are identical to ## those provided in the package identical(flags_ls$Flags_C, Flags_C) identical(flags_ls$Flags_D, Flags_D) }